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Have a flight to catch? Check your terminal by clicking on the tab DEPARTURES.
Welcoming a friend or family? Check that their flight is on time by clicking on the tab ARRIVALS.
You can even receive an alert on your phone or email address, to get the latest update about a flight.
This forecast information for departures and arrivals has been updated automatically and may, from time to time, be changed without notification.
The flight planner informs you about destinations, flight frequency and airlines departing from Libreville airport.
After consulting our flight planner, buy your flight ticket directly from the airline company.
Destination: Abidjan
Destination: Brazzaville, Douala, Franceville, Pointe-Noire, Port-Gentil, Sao-Tome, Yaoundé
Destination: Douala, Kinshasa, Lagos, Lomé, Yaoundé
Tel. +241 062 22 85 00
Destination: Sao-Tome, Malabo
Destination: Addis-Ababa, Yaoundé
Destination : Nouakchott
Destination: Casablanca, Malabo
Destination: Cotonou, Douala, Kigali
Destination: Istanbul
Destination: Franceville, Port-Gentil
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